YesNo e-Mail Systems
e-Mail Systems Hosted Office WebSite Design
Corporate IT Solutions for Start-Up and Growing Businesses

Accesibility Help

Font Sizes

The website has been designed with alternative font size options

Small Font Regular Font Large Font Choose the Font Size that suits your requirments
Small Font is the Normal Font Size.

Alternative Colours

The website has been designed with alternative colour options

Images Yellow on Black Red on Gray Black on Yellow Black on White White on Black
Default Style Sheet is the original style this wesite was designed in.

Web Standards Validation

The website has been designed to meet the highest technical web and accesibility standards

Access Key Shortcuts

The website has been designed with alternative navigation methods

You can navigate around the website pages by using the Alt Key and the relevant Access Key letter or number (listed below) together and then hitting the return key.
e.g. to go the the Site Map page press both the Alt + m keys together and then press Return on your keyboard
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