YesNo e-Mail Systems
e-Mail Systems Hosted Office WebSite Design
Corporate IT Solutions for Start-Up and Growing Businesses

YesNo ~ internet Access

YesNo provide a full range of high quality services to the business and home user, from the latest in high speed DSL Broadband Internet access to Leased Lines, along with options for managed network security.

Business Grade Broadband


Flexible, professional, scalable broadband solutions; customised to meet your business' needs.

  • Up to 8 Mb downstream speed*
  • Up to 50 Gb usage allowance
  • Fixed IP address allocation (choice of 1 or 8)


High Quality Symmetric Broadband

  • Up to 2 Mbps upstream & downstream speed
  • Unlimited Downloads
  • Low Contention
  • Fixed IP address allocation (choice of 1 or 8)

Leased Lines

Leased Lines are the business class connectivity solution for your business.

Comprehensive product range to suit all accessibility requirements - enhanced by robust, resilient network infrastructure - provide solutions across the UK.

YesNo cater for all business requirements providing solutions at speeds of 64Kbps up to a very powerful 1Gbps, backhauled over a high performance network, to provide a true best-in-class uncontended service.

Dial In Access

Back-up Dial-in Account.

Modem access for when you're away from the office - charged at the BT 0845 Local Call rate.

* Please note:

* Actual download speeds will be no higher than 7150Kb
* BT Wholesale estimates that 78% of customers will achieve download speeds of 4Mb and above.
* Fluctuation in line speed is expected to occur within the first 10 days of service whilst your line speed adapts to the maximum it can reliably support.
* It is likely that speeds no greater than 2Mb will be achieved at peak usage times.

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